Accepted File Formats FAQ

We can accept a wide variety of file formats (below), however we prefer all files to be submitted as PDF files to minimize any font, image, text, or formatting complications.

Preparation Tips See our File Preparations Tips FAQ for details on submitting the highest quality files to eliminate extra file charges or production delays.

Accepted File Types Index
Desktop Publishing
Document Files
Presentation Files
Raster Graphics Files
Spreadsheet Files
Vector Graphics Files
A-Z List

Desktop Publishing Files
.INDD – Adobe InDesign
.PMD – Adobe PageMaker
.PUB – Microsoft Publisher
.FM – Adobe FrameMaker

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Document Files (Text and Plain Text)
.ACL – MS Word AutoCorrect List
.ASC – ASCII text
.CSV – ASCII text as comma-separated values, used in spreadsheets and database management systems
.DOC – Microsoft Word document
.DOCX – Office Open XML document
.DOT – Microsoft Word document template
.DOTX – Office Open XML text document template
.PDF – Portable Document Format
.RTF – Rich Text document
.TXT – ASCII or Unicode plaintext
.WPD – WordPerfect document
.WPS – Microsoft Works document
.WPT – Microsoft Works document template
.WRI – Microsoft Write document
.XML – eXtensible Markup Language
.XPS – Open XML Paper Specification

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Presentation Files
.POT – Microsoft PowerPoint template
.PPS – Microsoft PowerPoint Show
.PPT – Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
.PPTX – Office Open XML Presentation

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Raster Graphics Files (images as a group of pixels)
.ASE – Adobe Swatch
.BMP – Microsoft Windows Bitmap formatted image
.GIF – CompuServe's Graphics Interchange Format
.ICO – a file format used for icons in Microsoft Windows. Contains small bitmap images at multiple resolutions and sizes.
.JP2 – JPEG2000
.JPG – Joint Photographic Experts Group – a lossy image format widely used to display photographic images.
.JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group – a lossy image format widely used to display photographic images.
.JPS – JPEG Stereo
.MNG – Multiple Network Graphics, the animated version of PNG
.MSP – Microsoft Paint (old), replaced with BMP in Microsoft Windows 3.0
.PBM – Portable bitmap
.PDD – Adobe Photoshop Drawing
.PNG – Portable Network Graphic lossless, for display and edition of graphic images
.PSB – Adobe Photoshop Big image file
.PSD – Adobe Photoshop Drawing
.RAW – General term for image data acquired by a digital camera
.TIF – Tagged Image File Format
.TIFF – Tagged Image File Format

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Spreadsheet Files
.123 – Lotus 1-2-3
.CSV – Comma-Separated Values
.TAB – tab delimited columns; also TSV
.TSV – tab separated columns; also TAB
.TXT – tab delimited columns
.WKS – Microsoft Works
.XLK – Microsoft Excel worksheet backup
.XLS – Microsoft Excel worksheet sheet (97–2003)
.XLSB – Microsoft Excel binary workbook
.XLSM – Microsoft Excel Macro-enabled workbook
.XLSX – Office Open XML worksheet sheet
.XLT – Microsoft Excel worksheet template
.XLTM – Microsoft Excel Macro-enabled worksheet template
.XLW – Microsoft Excel worksheet workspace (version 4.0)

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Vector Graphics Files (graphics using geometric primitives such as points, lines, curves, and polygons to represent images).
.AI – Adobe Illustrator Document
.EMF – Enhanced (Windows) MetaFile, an extension to WMF
.EPS – Encapsulated Postscript
.PDF – Portable Document Format
.PS – PostScript 
.WMF – Windows Meta File
.XPS – Microsoft XML file similar to a PDF file

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A-Z List
.123 – Lotus 1-2-3
.ACL – MS Word AutoCorrect List
.AI – Adobe Illustrator Document
.ASC – ASCII text
.ASE – Adobe Swatch
.BMP – Microsoft Windows Bitmap formatted image
.CSV – ASCII text as comma-separated values, used in spreadsheets and database management systems
.CSV – Comma-Separated Values
.DOC – Microsoft Word document
.DOCX – Office Open XML document
.DOT – Microsoft Word document template
.DOTX – Office Open XML text document template
.EMF – Enhanced (Windows) MetaFile, an extension to WMF
.EPS – Encapsulated Postscript
.FM – Adobe FrameMaker
.GIF – CompuServe's Graphics Interchange Format
.ICO – a file format used for icons in Microsoft Windows. Contains small bitmap images at multiple resolutions and sizes.
.INDD – Adobe InDesign
.JP2 – JPEG2000
.JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group – a lossy image format widely used to display photographic images.
.JPG – Joint Photographic Experts Group – a lossy image format widely used to display photographic images.
.JPS – JPEG Stereo
.MNG – Multiple Network Graphics, the animated version of PNG
.MSP – Microsoft Paint (old), replaced with BMP in Microsoft Windows 3.0
.PBM – Portable bitmap
.PDD – Adobe Photoshop Drawing
.PDF – Portable Document Format
.PMD – Adobe PageMaker
.PNG – Portable Network Graphic lossless, for display and edition of graphic images
.POT – Microsoft PowerPoint template
.PPS – Microsoft PowerPoint Show
.PPT – Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
.PPTX – Office Open XML Presentation
.PS – PostScript 
.PSB – Adobe Photoshop Big image file
.PSD – Adobe Photoshop Drawing
.PUB – Microsoft Publisher
.RAW – General term for image data acquired by a digital camera
.RTF – Rich Text document
.TAB – tab delimited columns; also TSV
.TIF – Tagged Image File Format
.TIFF – Tagged Image File Format
.TSV – tab separated columns; also TAB
.TXT – ASCII or Unicode plaintext
.TXT – tab delimited columns
.WKS – Microsoft Works
.WMF – Windows Meta File
.WPD – WordPerfect document
.WPS – Microsoft Works document
.WPT – Microsoft Works document template
.WRI – Microsoft Write document
.XLK – Microsoft Excel worksheet backup
.XLS – Microsoft Excel worksheet sheet (97–2003)
.XLSB – Microsoft Excel binary workbook
.XLSM – Microsoft Excel Macro-enabled workbook
.XLSX – Office Open XML worksheet sheet
.XLT – Microsoft Excel worksheet template
.XLTM – Microsoft Excel Macro-enabled worksheet template
.XLW – Microsoft Excel worksheet workspace (version 4.0)
.XML – eXtensible Markup Language
.XPS – Microsoft XML file similar to a PDF file
.XPS – Open XML Paper Specification

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